Sunday, November 24, 2013

Happy 1st Anniversary Parker!!

It is hard to believe that it has been a whole year since my daughter and I went to pick up Parker.  He has turned out to be such a cuddle bug and best companion. 

He has suffered from a mysterious illness 3 different times, looks like an allergy to something.  He has turned out to be stolen but because of no chip the vet says he is mine to keep.  All the papers he came with were fake.  Warning of buying dogs off of sites like Kijiji, but even with what I know I would do it all over again.  I have given a dog that was ripped away from his family a loving home.  He seems very happy.
An anniversary calls for a special dinner and here is Parker eating an extra thick baked pork chop.
Luv you Parker!!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Painted Front Porch

Painted Porch
Ta da..  I could not afford a new porch so I painted the old one with a white stain.  I think it looks pretty good.  The black door really pops.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


New front door
Finally front and back doors that were suppose to be installed early last fall are in!  I think they are gorgeous especially the front door.  I still have to paint the wood surround and the little porch but that will have to wait until the garden is all planted.  I can only do so  much...

Front door inside
Back door

Back door handle

Mr Leclerc and son installing the front door.

Old back door

Good riddance to this door!  There were large gaps top and bottom and the window no longer opened.

New bed of Darwin tulips blooming happily.

Poonie's grave
The yellow tulips above I placed on the grave of my beloved Poupoune that past away late last fall.

Double scented daffodils
Lilacs at the front of the house

Well that's all folks for today.  I will put up pics of the new garden hopefully next Monday which has been dug up using just a pitch fork!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Pickwick Crocus
Winter has lasted forever here in the Gatineau hills, will spring ever come?  Winter came early, is staying late and we had more than twice the amount of snow we had last year.  I still have snow in my yard and just yesterday morning I woke up to a  dusting of new snow (it left quickly but still).  Last year at this time I had daffodils blooming, this year only crocus.  The daffodils are trying though, poking their stems through the ice!  Can't wait to see them, along with new bunch of Darwin tulips planted last fall.  Last spring I missed most of the show as I was away in beautiful Provence.

Mini Crocus


As for the new dog he has had a hard winter as well.  Turns out he is sick with maybe hip dysplasia  and poor guy suffered.  Since he does not have much hair he found the winter cold and hated wearing any kind of clothes, he actually appeared embarrassed if that is possible.  When he is sick he is grouchy but when he is well..

sick boy

He is actually watching a martial arts fight scene from James Bond, Man with a Golden Gun!  He watched the whole fight scene!  He actually seems to like TV and music.  His favorite is the bagpipes.  One night while watching  a BBC program about the islands around Britain featuring a bag pipe band he began to sing along with the bagpipes.  I laughed so hard I could barely breathe.  He on the other hand was very serious standing tall and singing along.  He must be a reincarnated Scot.

Tired boy, after playing with all his toys he needs a nap!  Oh and he has had another name change.  The name Rocco didn't seem to suit and somehow I started calling him Parker.  Yes the name suits him and he knows it now and has settled in.  He seems very happy with me and I am happy with him.